Assessing Primary Writing 2023–24 Year 1 exemplars


Today we released the results of our Year 1 judging window. For this window, pupils responded to the following image prompt.

Pupils completed the task in controlled conditions to ensure the writing was independent. We have explained the reason for the change to a task prompt in a previous blog: put simply, our schools wanted us to set a specific task as it is harder to judge when everyone is doing something different!

Below we have selected some examples of writing.

Scaled score 557. GDS, 100th percentile
Scaled score 459, EXS, 80th percentile
Scaled score 369, WTS, 33rd percentile

What’s next

  • Participating schools will soon be able to download a full set of exemplar scripts from their account, which will help them see what writing attainment looks like across a national range.
  • We have lots of resources that will help improve students’ writing. Read more about our Writing Hub and Automark websites.

